Wednesday, 29 November 2023


Beneath the surface of our online interactions lie interesting social norms and etiquette, mirroring the unspoken rules governing our offline encounters.

The essence of ‘liking’ a post is an act of acknowledgment and support - a virtual nod that conveys, “I see you, and I appreciate what you’ve shared.” It’s a subtle yet powerful form of encouragement, affirming that the content resonated in a meaningful way.

Curious about ‘like’ habits, I’m intrigued by the diverse motivations that lead us to tap the heart icon, as it can provide insights into each person’s characteristics. Excessive ‘liking’ can suggest insincerity or even spamming. There’s a nuanced balance to strike in cyberspace, and, at times, leaving a thoughtful or funny comment can hold more significance than a simple thumbs up.

Wednesday, 18 October 2023

secret pursenality

During my callous youth, I took pleasure in winning people over, stealing hearts and running off without ever saying sorry. Nonetheless, I’m now aware that those mind games were manipulative and mean. This realisation led me to find a healthier avenue to fulfil my need for affirmation and approval from certain people.

I understand the importance of seeking validation from within myself rather than relying on others. However, that’s a topic for deeper introspection, considering how this unexpected confession is already quite awkward to share, especially since no one asked.

I’ve channeled this twisted inclination into the retail world, where the goal of the game is to acquire highly coveted items without toying with anyone’s feelings. I find amusement in this new pursuit, all the while relishing the excitement that comes with the chase.

After patiently waiting for what felt like eons, I was finally presented with the elusive Mini Kelly handbag. No emotional casualties resulted from this acquisition, but my poor bank account certainly took a hit!

Friday, 29 September 2023


Browsing through a social media feed sometimes feels like stepping into a curated gallery of people’s finest moments. This highlight reel can trigger negative feelings for some, causing them to believe that everyone else is leading interesting, more fulfilled lives than their own. People aren’t showing off; they are simply sharing their happy moments and achievements. It only seems that way when viewed from a jealous perspective.

I used to employ Facebook’s limited profiles feature to manage who had access to posts, believing I was sparing others discomfort. Over time, I’ve now come to realise that we all have a choice in what we engage with online. With Instagram’s introduction of the polite and non-confrontational mute button, it’s easier for people to control their own content consumption and safeguard their well-being. Ultimately, we’re all navigating the intricate emotional landscape that social media has created, where even the act of muting or being muted carries its own set of feelings and insecurities.

Sunday, 24 September 2023

worship in praise

Gospel music carries me to a transcendent level where I feel a profound connection to my Christian faith.

The lyrics often speak of divine love, grace, mercy and salvation, striking a chord within me. A combination of gratitude, repentance and a deep sense of unity with God.

In these moments, the songs touch my heart and bring tears to my eyes as I am swept up in the emotions that arise while singing praises to Him.

Sunday, 17 September 2023

the purse-suit of happiness

Why am I often drawn to things that are out of my reach? Is it the chase that thrills me more than the actual capture? It’s interesting how I always romanticise about what can’t be easily attained.

The chase infuses my mundane life with a sense of excitement and possibility. It’s the “what if” game that keeps me alert and engaged, anxious yet electrified. This very impulse can turn any pursuit into an exhilarating experience, much like being infatuated with someone, with its emotional highs, lows and unexpected developments.

Perhaps I’m sounding a little obsessed with my handbag, but don’t worry about me. I understand that pouring my energy into people who value and return my affections is a healthier way to live. Love is a perpetual energy with living things. I’ve got no fetish for my leather purse.

No matter how gorgeous she looks.

Sunday, 22 January 2023


Loving someone whom death can snatch away with just a whisper, and entrusting the very essence of our lives - the ultimate determinant of our happiness, meaning, and success to another fickle, fragile, imperfect, ordinary mortal like ourselves is one of the bravest, most unreasonable, vulnerable, hopeful and utterly beautiful thing we do as human beings.

Happy 12th wedding anniversary to us! 

Friday, 20 January 2023

appreciation post

I have lots of hobbies and every now and then, a new project sparks my interest. On top of that, I'm constantly shopping and hoarding everything - filling our house and lives with my collections of memorabilia, dresses, tupperware & tea sets, adopting pets and just creating chaos & making a general (organised) mess.

My husband has been an unwavering support throughout my endeavours, patiently helping me with my recreational pursuits even when he did not share my enthusiasm for certain decisions. Whether it was training our dogs, finding the perfect table to showcase my Victorian dollhouse, or untangling my gold necklace for the umpteenth time, he would handle it for me.

I want to publicly say thank you to the person who picks up the slack so I can explore my interests and chase my dreams - however big, small or unconventional they may be. I appreciate and love you.