Wednesday, 29 November 2023


Beneath the surface of our online interactions lie interesting social norms and etiquette, mirroring the unspoken rules governing our offline encounters.

The essence of ‘liking’ a post is an act of acknowledgment and support - a virtual nod that conveys, “I see you, and I appreciate what you’ve shared.” It’s a subtle yet powerful form of encouragement, affirming that the content resonated in a meaningful way.

Curious about ‘like’ habits, I’m intrigued by the diverse motivations that lead us to tap the heart icon, as it can provide insights into each person’s characteristics. Excessive ‘liking’ can suggest insincerity or even spamming. There’s a nuanced balance to strike in cyberspace, and, at times, leaving a thoughtful or funny comment can hold more significance than a simple thumbs up.