Friday, 29 September 2023


Browsing through a social media feed sometimes feels like stepping into a curated gallery of people’s finest moments. This highlight reel can trigger negative feelings for some, causing them to believe that everyone else is leading interesting, more fulfilled lives than their own. People aren’t showing off; they are simply sharing their happy moments and achievements. It only seems that way when viewed from a jealous perspective.

I used to employ Facebook’s limited profiles feature to manage who had access to posts, believing I was sparing others discomfort. Over time, I’ve now come to realise that we all have a choice in what we engage with online. With Instagram’s introduction of the polite and non-confrontational mute button, it’s easier for people to control their own content consumption and safeguard their well-being. Ultimately, we’re all navigating the intricate emotional landscape that social media has created, where even the act of muting or being muted carries its own set of feelings and insecurities.