The tongue is our most handy and powerful organ. We use it to taste, swallow, and speak. It is sensitive, sensual, practical, and destructive. In its beneficial mode, it can lavish praise, deliver engaging presentations, teach, offer insightful advice, provide comfort and support, resolve problems, build friendships, and forge strong bonds.
In its most harsh manner, it can be used to tear us down with disrespectful words, initiate rumours and lies, spread gossip, destroy reputations, and dismantle relationships. The most detrimental use of the tongue is for gossiping. The popularity of the tabloid press confirms the power of gossip and its significant impact on our lives. “It’s just so entertaining,” we say.
I admit to this toxic habit, defending it as harmless fun driven by curiosity or boredom, without malicious intent. However, I have recently realised that gossip is a misdeed not only to those slandered but also to those manipulated in the process. Even if the information shared is true, no one appreciates being talked about, and it is neither kind nor appropriate to discuss someone else’s business.
Words once spoken can never be taken back; they don’t have wings, yet they can fly a thousand miles. Think before you speak. “Words cut deeper than knives. A knife can be pulled out, but words are embedded into our souls.”
Gossiping never ends well, but it at least tests people’s loyalty, filters out false friends, and reveals who truly supports you.