In a relationship, there are countless four-letter words in the English language that never cease to excite, please, and amuse. The most popular one is undoubtedly the one beginning with L, but there's too much controversy and predicament associated with that one. It relies upon the delicate measure of time, place, the individual delivering it, reciprocated affection, and mood. Sparkling in the right context, but hard to easily enjoy.
My personal favourite would have to be S-A-L-E. I love how it can jump out at me without warning. It is candy to my eyes; the beautiful, bold red four-letter word hanging on a clothing store window is like red wine to my lips. I can indulge in this one without stressing about the ramifications. Impulsive, uncomplicated, no consequences. Though, my bank balance begs to differ.
Due to some company restructuring, my position was made redundant. It was a blessing in disguise because I needed a reason to move on with my career, to branch out and find something more challenging and rewarding. Thankfully, I've found myself a new job that offers both, and I start in mid-March. Since these work changes were unexpected, I didn't have time to organise a short vacation to cover the next couple of weeks. Consequently, the only trips I'm taking are to the shopping mall, where the siren call of S-A-L-E lures me in. If I’m not careful, I’ll end up tangled in every shopper’s nightmare: the dreaded four-letter word, debt.